Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Development

 Meet Camila

Meet Camila. She is one of the main characters in this film's opening and the one who will be focused on the most in these two minutes. Camila is in a relationship with Antonio, the other main character. But in this post, we are focusing on Camila because she is the center of attention in these two minutes.
Instead of showing off how I ended up developing this character I want to develop her story and background.

Camila is a girl who knows what she wants. She is independent but she knows when she works with others. Camila is known to be a very nice person but when you get on her bad side, it flips. Before she was in her relationship with Antonio, she spent most of her time exercising or studying for classes. She would also go out with lots of friends, but she was more of a shut-in. 

Once getting into the relationship with Antonio, she became more outgoing and would go outside of the house more often than she would have before. But one thing that I was reminded of was her love to stay fit. Doing exercise always calmed her mind and made her relax after a stressful situation. This is why in the film opening like I showed in the storyboard she goes on a run after she argues with Antonio. While running, she can clear her head of recent events while also keeping herself in shape. This method of therapy works well for her as she cares for her health, as well as dealing with her stress in a good manner.

Her relationship with Antonio wasn’t always how it is now. When they first started dating, they were very much into each other because they had been friends since they were little. Their chemistry extended past many of their friends who were or are in relationships. Being childhood friends gave them a good start in their relationship because they already knew a lot about and they were used to each other‘s company. 

At this point in the story, they would have been together for a year. And though like many couples fights are common their fights were never as bad as they are now. This conflict started due to the stress of getting into college and starting a new life as well as family matters. They both got into a college that they both strived for and decided to be roommates together in a small townhouse. Camila, a few months before their argument started had gone through a tough loss in her family. Her cousin had died due to cardiac arrest. This was hard on Camila because she grew up very close to her cousin. Even though this loss was very tough on her Antonio was there for her. Antonio tried his best to comfort her but many times it did not go as expected. The sadness that Camila felt overcame her emotions and caused her to fight with Antonio, even when he was trying to make her feel better. After some time she recuperated, but of course, she did not forget. Antonio and Camila soon overcame this challenge, but then came around a new one. Getting adjusted to their new living situation and entering college caused more disruption in a relationship. 

(This is how I would imagine their relationship after the death of her cousin)

As much as Camila loves Antonio there are some times when he can be a bit much. So as we can see in the film opening, they start their argument with a petty reason, but of course, it turns into a more personal argument. Camila wants this hardship to pass over because she loves Antonio so much but she understands that to overcome this challenge they must both work on this together.

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