Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I Might Be Doomed... or Not!

In this blog post, I will discuss how I might be doomed. Yesterday I started to ask all of my friends and people that I asked previously if they could act in my film, unfortunately, every single person was either busy this week, is not comfortable being on camera, or is leaving for a competition. So I have nobody to film with. Yesterday night I started to text other people to see if they could help me fortunately, most did answer but the ones that did could also not help. Throughout the day I’ve been asking more people if they could help most people said no, and some suggested others. At this point, I was somewhat hopeless in finding actors, but a great idea came to mind.

(Me because I might be doomed)

Latinos in action could be my solution. Since I am an officer, I have more power and liberty to do things than others. So I asked the teacher who runs Latinos in Action if I could write a message in the group chat, explaining that I need actors to help, and if they help they will gain points towards the class and possibly service hours as well. This gives me more of a chance of finding actors because this amount of points will give an incentive to people to want to act because they will receive service hours as well as points. Service hours will not only help with graduation but points help seniors receive the LIA scholarship. At this point, most people are almost at the point that they need to be to receive the scholarship so many people will be willing to do it because they were receive a decent amount of points to help them. The good thing is that the incentives did work for some people and I was able to secure one person to play Camila, one person to play Antonio, and one person to play the stranger. I also have a possible background character to make the park scene, more realistic, as well as another possible background character/helper. You may be confused by what I mean by helper and what I mean is that person is also skilled in camera work and things related to Aice Media because she is in production classes with me and already took Aice Media. I will use her as more of an assistant because I of course want to make this film opening my work, but I of course will also credit her because I will see if she can help me establish shots so that the shots look perfect and help keep the actors in control. Thank God that the message worked and that some of my friends were also available to help these people who are helping are not so much actors, but hopefully, it will go well and I know that it will be a funny and enjoyable experience. Hopefully, this film's opening turns out as great as I wanted it to be, and this problem that I had didn’t make too much of an impact on the creation of the opening.

Also, another dilemma that I just realized is that now I am not sure what I will film, my film opening, or the audio. I was planning on using my camera and possibly another. I was also planning on using a light kit for audio. I was going to use a rode mic or phone lauv. The reason I am not able to use this equipment now is because the CBTV STN team is going to leave on the day that I will be shooting so I will most likely not be able to check out any equipment. There is a slim chance that I could, but my only other idea is to contact Beacon TV to check out equipment or to shoot with my iPhone and use accessories that I already own and my teacher's iPhone camera accessories. If I use my iPhone I will most likely check out an iPhone phone stabilizer, possibly a tripod, some form of audio, and possibly another accessory that could help when I see what type of equipment she has. I will most likely have to figure this out tomorrow and of course, will also ask for insight from my friend who has already done her film opening.

Let’s hope for the best and that everything turns out well. 

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