In this blog, I will explain the basic story of my film opening.
At the beginning of my film, I would like to start off with titles of production companies that will last for only a few seconds. Then I want a black screen to slowly fade into the scene that is occurring. But while the black screen is shown I want there to be audio of people arguing, but it to be Not heard well and then it slowly sounds clear.
The audience will see a couple fighting and either I have not decided yet on the bathroom or in the living room. They will be arguing about something petty, which will then turn into something bigger. They will start arguing about the thing that happened and then start to bring up personal stuff. I want to fight to be intense. I want to try to make it as intense as the car scene in the movie ‘Stronger’ (2017). but obviously not as intense because that scene in that movie was about more personal and relationship stuff that is way more serious than my characters are supposed to be feeling.
After the argument, I want to show the emotions and feelings that each one of them is feeling after what just happened. I want to show them separating and then highlight how the girl in the relationship is very saddened but also upset about what is happening. The girl will be in her own area like a room or the living room. The guy will go wherever else the girl is not, and he will be feeling sad as well, but he seems worried for the girl and I might want to put a scene where he is looking at her while she is in her own area.
At this point, the film opening would be around a minute or a minute 30 in so since I have a bit more time to put in till it hits the maximum I want to develop one of the characters. I am going to develop the character of the girl so the next scene would be the next morning, and the girl will be going on a run. While she’s running, she will seem a bit upset but also look like she is tired due to the exercise. I will have music playing while she’s running like if she has her AirPods in. And then she will bump into somebody. She will stop and then look at the person and then the person look back. When she sees the person, she recognizes the person. Then when she takes off her AirPods the music stops. She will look at the person as if she’s trying to recognize who it is, but the person recognizes her first and says hello. The person who bumped into her is her ex-boyfriend. I will have them have a little talk. At this time the limit for the film opening will be at its max so I will probably be able to show the conversation and that’s it or possibly show the conversation and then the girl walk off. The point of the scene where she runs into her ex is to bring back memories or to reflect on what just happened since she is currently with somebody. This is the film would make a reflection later of how her last relationship was like compared to the one now.
I have not come up with anything else for the story especially because I don’t need to because I won’t be able to show it, but I will be coming up with a story more because I am interested in completing the story. If anything throughout these posts I will keep you updated, or I will make a separate blog containing the rest of the story.
Now it is time for me to make the storyboard and of course, make the script. The script will be very long and will take a long time so I will probably have to develop the storyboard first while I’m developing a script. In my next blog post, you will see my storyboard and in the next, you will see the script hopefully.
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