Saturday, March 8, 2025

Editing Part 2

I’ve been editing for the past few days and the process has been a bit difficult. The main problems with the editing are the color grading and some of the effects that I tried to put in the opening.

First off at the beginning of the film, I implemented the production title video that I made from Canva and I also put in a fade from black for the beginning of the arguing scenes. I also used cross dissolves on two different fighting scenes so that looks like they’ve been fighting for a while. I also added Some effects called graphic equalizer, parametric, equalizer, and denoise. These effects help me create the help of out-of-room effect on essential sounds a distorted/muffled sound of the fighting. I wanted the audience to not be able to hear the fighting as much as they should so rather like if they heard it from another room. The result of these effects turned out pretty well. I am still deciding if I want to put music at the beginning where the production title is and at the beginning fighting across as of on the main fight but if I decide to do it I will probably implement it later. At first, I wanted to but I decided to put a jump cut instead. I also ended up using a jump cut again for the ending of the main argument to cut back to another muffled argument. Which then jump cuts again to a later time.

At that later time is the scene where they finish their argument. Around this time, I decided to put the title after the scene, but I needed a decide to put the title on the second scene of the after-argument. I put the title screen that I made on Canva over the scene. Since I had a color on the title, it gave it a nice shade of blue that I feel made the scene. Look a bit better the title then appears and makes it look 10 times better. Then the scene cuts into the dark blue color of the title card to fade out the letters.

For the ending scenes, a lot of color grading was used, and it was a bit hard to make it look as perfect as it did when I filmed it on my phone. But due to a stroke of luck and skill, I was able to make it look pretty much as good. For these scenes no effects were used except for the color grading so it was straight shots and sequence of events.

The color grading issue was a bit difficult to handle, but I was able to deal with it for the most part. The hardest problem in the color grading was that whenever I color graded on a scene it looked fine until I went to the exporting screen, and it looked overly exposed and bright. So when I color graded, I had to constantly go back and forth to make sure that the video looked better on the exporting side. Consequently, the scenes on the editing side looked not as good or a bit dim, but on the exporting side, it looked perfect.

Another thing that I must do that I have not done, but I will add later for sure is my Foley sounds and music. It took me a while to edit all this and I’m not fully done so if anything, I will post an extra blog next week showing my final progress on editing.

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